Saturday, September 6, 2014

No More Hanging Clothes to Dry

So the exciting news of the day is that we got a dryer!! I am so excited and I was a little nervous because when they guys brought it in it looked enormous. It is enormous when you compare it to the 7.5 kilo washing machine we have. This thing is a 12 kilo dryer. I did some calculations though and it will fit through the door. I had to unhinge the swivel door in the kitchen but it will get into the back laundry room eventually.

I have to say that I am super happy that Sagafalabella was able to deliver it to us. They didn't have a pick up option and practically none of the Sagas sell the dryer in their stores. We said we lived in Surco, which is more like a white lie than anything because technically we live right across the street from Surco. I got about 5 calls from a lady from Saga asking me for more specific directions and finally they had the actually driver of the truck call me so he could get the directions. You think they would have just done that in the first place. Oh well.  In the end it all worked out and they delivered on the day they said they would.

I felt like a dummy because the guys asked if they could have something to drink and I totally forgot that it is custom to offer something to drink to anyone who helps move stuff. The two guys, sweating after hauling the thing up three flights asked if I had anything to drink. I only had water since we don't keep pop in the house. They were happy to have it.

I had to take a selfie with the dryer. I am just that happy about it.

Now, let's hope that we can install the thing. I noticed that there isn't any tubing that came with it and that is absolutely necessary to send out the hot air. I also don't see a connecting cable to plug it in. I think we might have to call an electrician. Hmm. I will keep you updated.

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